Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Of Paperbacks and Pentatonix

What I'm working on...

Roughly a thousand things at once... But a thousand fun things, so you'll be getting no complaints from me!

I've been working with some amazing YA book bloggers lately in the promotion of Revival! Getting to know so many great people in the online YA community has been the best part of all of this so far! (Check out Booknut's review of Revival over at her blog, 21st Century Once Upon a Time!)

I've also been working hard on formatting the paperback version of the book and getting the cover design just right...  The proof of the paperback is in the mail to me now, so hopefully it will be available for purchase soon.

Once the book has been finalized I'll be doing some giveaways, so be sure to check back!

Just after I typed that, my neighbor across the breezeway had a pizza delivered.

I know this, because any time someone knocks on one of the four doors lining the first floor of my apartment complex, four separate doors open. The echo of the knock is so loud that none of us can be quite sure who's got company, so we all end up answering.

It's great for stalking your neighbors and keeping up with their Papa John's addiction.

...And also for finding unexpected packages on your own doorstep!

Look what arrived in the mail a day early!

I might have danced around.

Could have happened... Just sayin'. I was pretty excited.

In my headphones today...


...Just in case I'm not the last person on the planet to hear about the group Pentatonix, I highly recommend checking them out. They're sort of amazing.

Here's the song that introduced me to the group: 

They would have won me over based on song choice alone. Imogen Heap's song Aha! has been a favorite of mine for ages. (One of those songs that instantly takes me back in time to a really good memory... You know. That type of song.) So I highly recommend clicking play. You might just love it as much as I do (and hey—maybe the Pentatonix version can be the future soundtrack to one of your own favorite memories).

And... yes. That's it for now. I could very easily keep this rambling entry going for ages, but I should probably channel all those extra words into another chapter of Revival's sequel.

Might be a good idea.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's up!

*dances* *throws confetti* *marches around with a kazoo*

My first novel—Revival (The Variant Series, Book 1)—is officially up for sale on as an eBook. For the next few months, it will be sold exclusively in their kindle store! (To check it out, just click on the link or the picture above.)

I'll be posting other Revival related info in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Of Introductions and Pirate Hats

Hello, world!

Since this is my first attempt at blogging, I suppose I ought to start this entry off by introducing myself.

The first thing you should know about me, is that I'm really quite lazy. (Except when it comes to the important things. Things like work and writing, composing overly-caffeinated, crack-filled e-mails to my best friends, and catching up on The Vampire Diaries on the CW.) This inherent laziness is the reason I'm stealing my bio from Twitter and pasting it here, in lieu of providing you with a more detailed and insightful description.

It reads: "Writer, geek, caffeine addict, freckle-faced lover of music and slave to the written word... I live on dreams and coffee."

Mm-hmm. Sums things up rather well, I'd say.

I'd ask if you agree, but I'm not sure you're qualified to answer yet. At this point (for all you know) I might be a corporate-flunky-on-the-rise who hates to read, has painted his bedroom the not-quite-puce shade of Hamster Cuddles (I didn't make that up - it's really a color), and who spends his weekends secretly parading around his apartment dressed as a pirate.

Not that there's anything particularly wrong with any of those aforementioned traits....

It's just that I happen to be female, cubicles wig me out, I adore books, my favorite color is a rather boring shade of midnight blue, and I've never (to my recollection, anyway) dressed myself as a pirate. (Although, there was that one time in college when I had a sword fight with a lamp over a bottle of rum. It's... er... a long story.) The pirate problem really boils down to the hat thing. I just can't seem to pull off the look of a wide-brimmed hat with a giant, bobbing feather on top.

It's my face, you see. It simply doesn't look right with plumage.

Not like this woman, who popped up during a google search on pirate hats, and who appears to have much better cheekbones than I do.

Now, where was I?

...Ah, yes! Introductions.

In future posts I fully intend to bore you to tears with authorly ramblings about the books I'm writing, the books I'm reading, the music that's stuck in my head, and various instances of people being wrong on the Internet. You can also look forward to odd segues into discussions about my unhealthy addictions to bad movies and skittles, observations on the wonders of geek-culture, and maybe—if the stars align and you're very, very lucky—something that's actually worth reading about.

For now, anyway, I shall leave you with this delightfully creepy rendition of Chim Chim Cher-ee by Turin Brakes... Because who doesn't love eerie remakes of childhood classics?