Saturday, May 17, 2014

Checking In

I swear I'm still alive.

*presses on wrist*

*searches for pulse*

Yep! Still kicking. Not craving brains or pushing up daisies or anything else that might suggest I've gone and shuffled off this mortal coil.

...So why have I been MIA for so dang long, you ask?

Erm. Well, that question's a little harder to answer....

Truthfully? I've had some personal issues to work out that left me very little time for tweets or blog posts or *gasp!* writing.

I know.

I know.

That last part worries me, too. And it's the reason why I'll be taking the next two weeks as a writing retreat, so that I might focus (almost) entirely on book three in the Variant series.**

I have just that much time left before my day job becomes temporarily all-consuming and I lose an entire month of writing time.***

If I'm going to make my self-imposed deadline for book three's publication (late fall of this year, if all goes well), then I need to buckle down and get this draft ironed out!

So you know the drill, my loves—good vibes and music recs will be greatly appreciated! Let me know what's making your ears happy these days, people. I have a writing playlist to build!


**The primary exceptions being cupcakes, coffee, and the occasional Netflix binge. What can I say? I have my vices, like anyone.

***Yes, I still have a day job. It has gloriously flexible hours and a wonderfully indulgent boss, but I still have bills to pay and groceries to acquire, so I'm afraid I don't have as much time as I'd like to devote to writing... Sorry, my loves! Someday! Someday, I'll be able to devote myself to you and you alone! And trust me, I'm totally looking forward to it!


  1. Hiiiii Jena!!!! I'm absolutely in LOVE with your books!!!!
    I'm dying here waiting for the third book!!!! I can't wait!!!! I know it's
    going to be amazing!!!! Please let it be soon!!! Thank you for writing such an amazing series!!!!!!

    1. Hi, Sonia!! Thanks so much for stopping by the blog! I'm so glad you're enjoying the series and I CAN'T WAIT for you to read book three! If all goes according to plan, it will be out before the end of this year. Take care and have a wonderful week! :)
