So, uh... Hey guys. It's kind of been a while, huh?
(Live footage of the author putting together this post.)
I've been intentionally avoiding the blog these past few months for one (pretty major) reason—I had absolutely no good news to share with you. Truthfully, I was too ashamed to show up here just to offer more excuses about where Book Four was and why I'd mysteriously vanished into the Internet ether.... But that changes today. In fact, right now I have two pieces of good news to offer you!
First up: I'll be an attending author at the Roanoke Author Invasion again this year!

Here's the official event description:
Join nearly 100 bestselling authors of contemporary and paranormal YA fiction and more at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Virginia on April 8, 2017 from 10am-4pm. This is a FREE event for readers!
Enjoy an afternoon of books, giveaways, and more as you get the latest releases from your favorite authors and discover new voices!
If you're planning to attend and would like to preorder signed Variant Series novels ahead of the time, just click this link, fill out the form, and your order will be waiting for you at the signing booth!
Last year was a TON of fun and I'm officially counting down the days until this year's event. (We're at 40, in case you were wondering.) Check out the RAI website for more details and to see the full list of the fantastic authors that will be in attendance! Hope to see some of you there!
And second: a Variant Series Book 4 update...
If you caught my last post, you'll know that I've been struggling to finish the fourth Variant series novel for almost two years straight. Also that, from the beginning, I was reluctant to post any publication estimates while the project was still so far from completion.
And, well... While I still can't offer you an exact publication date just yet, I can say that Book Four in the Variant Series should be ready for release in April.
The official date will be announced alongside the title and cover reveal in mid-to-late March. Depending on how far along the edits are at that point, the e-book may go up for preorder on Amazon the same day.
It's still a bit too early to give an exact date on things. Partly, that's because the first draft is still a few chapters away from completion, and you never know what could go wrong with the edits. Mostly, however, it's because I have a long, long history of jinxing the ever-loving crap out of myself any time I try to make promises where release dates are concerned.
Either way, the finish line is FINALLY in sight and I could not possibly be happier about it.
So! Now I'm off to channel my inner Dave Grohl by mainlining an unhealthy amount of coffee, isolate myself from the world at large for just a little while longer, and freaking finish this draft so that I can finally give you guys the book you've been waiting so patiently for!
(Bring on the coffee, yo. I think I'm gonna need it.)
Are you guys excited? Because I'm pretty darn excited right now. This book has been a major challenge to write, but I am SO ready to finally share it with you all! Thanks for sticking with me on this, you guys. If it hadn't been for your encouragement and support, I never would have made it this far!
Jenna we love you, don't be so hard on yourself! It will be worth the wait.
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